Monday, April 5, 2010

12 A/B advanced


Beata Varga and Ilona Kulcsar April 20

The Death Penalty should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a jogi

Beta Toth, Szeredai Eresbet, Ilona Matyas April 20

The death penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Ferencz Moricz, Matyas Istavan, Aurthur Dull April 27

Violence in the Media causes children to be more violent

Erőszak a Mediaban a gyermekek erőszakossagat okozza

Sandor Lako Nagy, Robert Kovacs April 27

Media violence does not cause children to be more violent

Média az erőszak nem okoz gyermekek több erőszakos

Imre Boros, Szilogyi Sandor April 20

Stem Cell research should be illegal

Őssejt kutatás illegális kell lennie

Domokos Tomas, Zolt Adi April 20

Stem Cell research should be legal

Őssejt kutatás torvenyesnek kell lennie

Zoltan Veres, Casapo Szabolcs April 13

The Romanian Educational system is better then the American Educational system

A román oktatási rendszer jobb, mint az amerikai oktatási rendszer

Sandor Szilagyi ed negative April 13

The American Educational System is better then the Romanian System

Az Egyesült Államok Oktatási rendszer jobb, mint a román oktatási rendszer

12B advanced

Iuliana Kui, Denes Anita April 22

Sports players should be able to use drugs

Sportolók számára lehetővé kell tenni a kábítószer-használat

Tama Boda, Vikto Molnar, Timea Molnar April 30

The Death Penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Renatia Szekeres, Izabella Lippai April 30

The Death Penalty Should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Izabella Szablo, Pamila, Szende April 22

Sports players should not be able to use drugs

Sportolók nem kellene kábítószert használni

Csaba Nemeti, Szigeti Lajos April 16

Stem Cell research should be legal

Őssejt kutatás torvenyesnek kell lennie

Erzebet Kicsis, Szigeti Rozalia April 16

Stem Cell research should be illegal

Őssejt kutatás illegális kell lennie

Slide 8

Debate teams, topics and dates 10A/B advanced and 10A beginners

10 A beginners

Sara Chris Anetta Major ed system affirm April 26
The US Educational system is better then the Romanian educational system
Az Egyesült Államok Oktatási rendszer jobb, mint a román oktatási rendszer

Helana Balint Erzebet Gedo death penalty for April 20
The Death Penalty Should be legal
A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Obed Gyula Csaba Gal death penalty against April 20
The Death Penalty should be illegal
A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Mozes Kirly Arnold Olvedi ed sytem neg April 26
The Romanian educational system is better then the American educational system
A román oktatási rendszer jobb, mint az amerikai oktatási rendszer

Boglarka Bonczidai, Lazlo Kiss April 12
students should be able to have cell phones in school
hallgatók számára lehetővé kell tenni, hogy a mobiltelefon az iskolában

Krisztian Pusok, Emoke Eredi April 12
Students should not be able to have cell phones in school
Hallgatók nem kellene hasznalniuk a mobiltelefon az iskolában

10A advanced

Richi Levente Boda April 16
The Death Penalty should be illegal
A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Tibor Boros, Lóránd Demeter, Szabolics Tunyogi April 16
The Death Penalty Should be legal
A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Edina Toth, Anetta Nagy, Izabella Szeredai servalance April 22
There should be surveillance cameras in schools
az iskolákban kameráknak Kellene lenniuk

Beata Etelka April 22
There should not be surveillance cameras in schools
Nem kellenek biztonsági kamerák az iskolákba

Tamas Lakatos April 30
Sports players should not be able to use drugs
Sportolók nem kellene kábítószert használni

Bendek Attila Szilagyi April 30
Sports players should be able to use drugs
Sportolók számára lehetővé kell tenni a kábítószer-használat

10B advanced

Henrietta Vadas, Beko Henrietta, Asetalos Rena April 29
The Death Penalty Should be legal
A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Anna Maria and Agi April 29
The Death Penalty should be illegal
A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Izabella Major and Orosz and KpementinaBapint April 22
Corporal Punishment should not be allowed in Schools
A testi fenyítés nem engedhető meg az iskolákban

Norby and Richard April 22
Corporal Punishment should be allowed in schools
A testi fenyítés engedélyezni kell az iskolákban

Elvira Sandir and Edina Szabo April 15
Violence in the Media causes children to be more violent
Erőszak a Mediaban a gyermekek erőszakossagat okozza

Ferenc Gal Miki Marosi, Anita Huszar April 15
Media violence does not cause children to be more violent
Média az erőszak nem okoz gyermekek több erőszakos

Zoltan Boda and Szabolcs Nemeti May 7
Stem Cell research should be legal
Őssejt kutatás illegális kell lennie

Binal Tazakas and Ilona Lakatos and Helga Franks May 7
Stem Cell research should be illegal
Őssejt kutatás illegális kell lennie

Friday, April 2, 2010

Final debate teams, topics and days 12 begginers

This is 50% of your grade

12 B beginners

Milinda Nagy Emese Szabo April 20

The death penalty should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a jogi

Eva Bone, Agnes Szeir, Eva Seres April 20

Death Penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Tiberiu Varga, Monka Csoka April 13

Pet abuse should be legal

Kisállat visszaélés kell a jogi

Gabriella Daraban, Agota Demeter April 13

Pet abuse should be illegal

Kisállat visszaélés jogellenességét

Norbert Domokos, Istvan Feheruari April 27

Sports players should be able to use drugs

Sportolók számára lehetővé kell tenni a kábítószer-használat

Tamas Nagy, Sandor Szekely, Csaba Zsgmond April 27

Sports players should not be able to use drugs

Sportolók nem kellene kábítószert használni

12 A beginners

Reka Haraszy Andrea Pap, Brigitte Katona April 21

Stem Cell research should be legal

Őssejt kutatás illegális kell lennie

Robert Katona Barnabas Balog April 21

Stem Cell research should be legal

Őssejt kutatás torvenyesnek kell lennie

Zoltan Nagy and Banto Gyrla April 15

The Death Penalty Should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Renata Szatmari, Szikszai Helga April 15

The Death Penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Debate teams, topics and days 11th

This is 50% of your mark you can not make it up
11A Beginners
April 13th

Danial Banto and Naomi Vincze, Emese Pap

Fast Food should not be regulated by the Government

a kormány nem kellene szabályozza Fast Food

Attila Balla and Demjen Sandor

Fast food should be regulated by the government

Fast Food szabályoznia kellene a kormánynak

April 20

Eniko Bone, Timea Juhasz, Erika Cosma

The death penalty should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a jogi

Timea Torkos and Dalma Ladanyi

The Death Penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

11 B beginners

Angela Motis Kirly Bela 4/26

Corporal Punishment should be allowed in schools

A testi fenyítés engedélyezni kell az iskolákban

Bernadett Balla, Brigitta Bucsi 4/26

Corporal Punishment should not be allowed in Schools

A testi fenyítés nem engedhető meg az iskolákban

Gal Melinda Malinda Domokos may 3

The Death Penalty should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Elmer Olah Attila Szasz may 3

The death penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Brigitta Lucas Noemi Kiraly animal abuse neg April 12

Pet abuse should be illegal

Kisállat bantalmazasa jogellenesség

Zsuzsonna Mátyas Victor Boca animal right affirmative April 12

Pet abuse should be legal

Kisállat bantalmazasa torvenyes kell lennie

11A advanced

Reka Szabo Boros Timea, Erika Antap April 22

Sports players should not be able to use drugs

Sportolók nem kellene kábítószert használni

Nagy Beata Darabont Erika April 22

Sports players should be able to use drugs

Sportolók számára lehetővé kell tenni a kábítószer-használat

Laura Mate, Szilard Gal death penalty April 16

The Death Penalty Should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Julia Topai, Fruzsina April 16

The Death Penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Balazs Vari, Eni Domokos April 30

There should be surveillance cameras in schools

az iskolákban kameráknak Kellene lenniuk

Obed Tamas Gal April 30

There should not be surveillance cameras in schools

Nem kellenek biztonsági kamerák az iskolákba

Nador Berta Szende Vizaknai May 7

Fast Food should not be regulated by the Government

a kormány nem kellene szabályozza Fast Food

Erezsebet Baceo Roland Lakatos May 7

Fast food should be regulated by the government

Fast Food szabályoznia kellene a kormánynak

11 B advanced

Tibor Boda Kivcs Sandor May 15

The Death Penalty should be illegal

A halálbüntetés kell az illegális

Torok Norbi Szekely Csaba May 15

The Death Penalty Should be legal

A halálbüntetés-nek kell lennie a torvenyes

Edina Baban Molnar Maria Rozalia Vada Major Kriszta April 29

Stem Cell research should be legal

Őssejt kutatás torvenyesnek kell lennie

Sjakacs Timea, Szablocs Szapacsi Puskas Erika April 29

Stem Cell research should be illegal

Őssejt kutatás illegális kell lennie

Csoka Tibi Erika Antap against arranged marriage April 21

Arranged Marriage should be illegal

Elrendezett házasságnak illegálisnak kell lennie

Imre Kui Boros Tibor for arranged marriage April 21

Arranged marriage should be legal

Elrendezett házasságnak legálisnak kell lennie

Slide 2

Slide 3
lDanial a

Friday, March 19, 2010

Final Debate info

All Sources, arguments and rebuttal are do at the end of March or you loose 25 points of your total debate grade. If you do not listen to those debating you loose 25 points of your debate grade. If you do not do your debate you will loose half your total mark in my class. This means you get a 5. The debate is worth 100 points. If you have questions ask me or you other English teacher. This is your final warning turn in your stuff soon or you will not be happy with your grade.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

9th grade Debate teams and topics

9A B

Tibor Varga Rober Oros death penalty yes

Kovacks Szintia Ispan Brigitta and Abigel Toth death penalty no

Angela Elekes and Eszter Frzakas students should not wear uniforms

Boda Helena Demjen Andrea student should wear uniforms

Gabos Gabor and Ervin Kiraly you should not be able to get a tattoo

Lorand Boros and David Gal you should be able to get a tattoo

9A A

Henrietta Boros Ingrid Csapo no pet abuse

Adorjan Balla David Botos yet pet abuse

Kiraly Szilard Norbert Kulcsar no cell phones in school

Henrietta Kun Johanna Major students should have cell phones in school

Adina Domocos Kristina Varga death penalty no

Alex Szabo Szilard Mate Ervin Veres death penalty yes


Agota and Erika Balint uniforms yes

Eszter and Zsuzsanna uniforms no

Csaba David tattoo yes

Romi oros and Gabor tattoo no

Szabina Edit hurt pets no

Samuel Gal Kinga hurt pets yes

Abigial Ellizbet boys and girls different schools

Selvina Noemi Brigitta boys and girls same school

9B A

Julia Hannelor death penalty yes

Lorland Albert death penaty no

Kinga Katrin pet abuse no

Bettina Maria cell phones yes

Johanna cell phones no

Barna Imola pet abuse yes

Saturday, February 6, 2010

debate topics and web info

Here are some websites to help in your research. Remember you need 10 sources due to me this week along with your news stories. Also be warned I will be video taping your debates.

Death Penalty: halálbüntetés

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
10 A Helana Balint Erzebet Gedo
11 B Gal Melinda Malinda Domokos
11 A Eniko Bone, Timea Juhasz, Erika Cosma
12 A Beata Varga and Tunde Kulcsar
12 B Milinda Nagy Emese Szabo
10 B Zsolt Szabo, Norbert Varga, Robert Rac
9 B Orosz Romi Nycolae Szilagyi Feher Lorand
9A Angela Elekes Henrietta Kun
9 B Brigitta Varga and Szlivia Nagy
11 B Torok Norbi Szekely Csaba
10 A Tibor Boros, Lóránd Demeter, Szabolics Tunyogi
11A Laura Mate, Szilard Gal
12 B Renatia Szekeres, Izabella Lippai
10 B Henrietta Vadas, Beko Henrietta, Asetalos Rena
12 A Zoltan Nagy and Banto Gyrla

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
10 A Obed Gyula Csaba Gal
11 B Elmer Olah Attila Szasz
11B Timea Torkos and Dalma Ladanyi
12 A Beta Toth, Ilona Matays, Szeredai Eresbet
12 B Eva Bone, Agnes Szeir, Eva Seres
10 B Adrien Szilagy, Henrietta Domokos
9B Julia Antaol Johanna Varga
9 A Varga Tibi and Lori
9B Neoemi Pap Boda Edit
11B Tibor Boda Kivcs Sandor
10 A Richi and Levente Boda
11 A Julia Topai, Fruzsina
12 B Tama Boda, Vikto Molnar, Timea Molnar
10 B Anna Maria and Agi
12 A Renata Szatmari, Szikszai Helga
The bible

Educational organization: iskolai oktatás szervezés

American: amerikai
10 A Sara Chris Anetta Major
9A Brigitta Ezter
12 A Zoltan Veres, Casapo Szabolcs

10 A Mozes Kirly Arnold Olvedi
9A Sailard Erwin
12 A Tunde Moricz, Sandor Nagy

Also try communication with people from America and Romania

Cell phones in school: Mobile phones belsõ csatár osztályterem

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
10 A Boglarka Bonczidai, Lazlo Kiss
9A Rudolf Kulcsaf Kiraly Szilard

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
10 A Krisztian Pusok, Emoke Eredi
9A David and Adorjan Balla

your teachers and fellow students and your parents

Surveillance Cameras in School: rejtõzik film belsõ csatár osztályterem

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
9B Kinga Bettina Simofi Kheszras
10A Edina Toth, Anetta Nagy, Izabella Szeredai
11A Balazs Vari, Eni Domokos

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
9B Julia Joo Jozsa Casaba
10A Beata Etelka
11A Obed Tamas Gal

Your teachers, fellow students and parents

Stem Cell Research: elem kutatás

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
12A Domokso Tomas, Zolt Adi
11B Molnar Maria Rozalia Vada Major Kriszta
12B Csaba Nemeti, Szigeti Lajos
10B Nemeti Szabolics and Zoltan Boda
12A Barnabas Balog

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
12A Imre Boros, Szilogyi Sandor
11B Sjakacs Timea, Szablocs Szapacsi Puskas Erika
12B Erzebet Kicsis, Szigeti Rozalia
10B Binal Tazakas and Ilona Lakatos and Helga Franks
12A Andrea Pap, Brigitte Katona

Animal fighting: élõlény ütközet

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
9A David Gabor

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
9A Abagel Krisztena

Animal Abuse: élõlény rossz célra való fordítás

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11B Zsuzsonna Victor
12B Tiberiu Varga, Monka Csoka
10B Angela Boca Bobi Boca
9B Kitty Domokos David Kulcsar
9A Szabo Alex and Kulcsar Norbert
9B Erink Balint and Domokos Reka

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11B Brigitta lucas Noemi
12B Gabriella Daraban, Agota Demeter
10B Szilvia Kis, Brigitta Racz, Ibolya Szilagyi
9B Balint Agota Matyas Maria
9A Helena Boda ans Johanna Major
9B Zsuzsanna Pusok Abigail Gal

Corporal Punishment: oktató lavírozás diák

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11B Angela Motis Kirly Bela
9A Ervyn Oros Gabor
9B Domokos Eszter Sabina Solyom and Gabi
10B Norby and Richard Corpril

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11B Bernadett, Brigitta Bucsi
9A Andy Demjen Dobi Imola
9B Kinga Pap Elizabet Gal, Hannelore Csako
10B Izabella Major and Orosz and Bapint,8599,1915820,00.html

Your teachers, fellow students and your parents and the bible

Media Violence causes violence in children: tévét néz durvaság ok erõszakos gyermekek

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
12A Ferencz Moricz, Matyas Istavan

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
12A Sandor Lako, Robert Kovacs
Your teachers, fellow students and your parents

Arranged Marriage: szoros összetartozás vkinek a szerkesztésében szülõk

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11B Inre Kui Boros Tibor
10B Ferenc Gal Miki Marosi, Anita Huszar

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11B Edina Baban Csoka Tibi
10B Elvira Sandir and Edina Szabo

athlete using drugs: atlétika játékos rossz célra való fordítás erõs kábítószerek

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
12B Norbert Domokos, Istvan Feheruari
10A Bendek Attila Szilagyi
11A Nagy Beata Darabont Erika
12B Iuliana Kui, Denes Anita

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
12B Tamas Nagy, Sandor Szekely, Csaba Zsgmond
10A Tamas Lakatos
11A Reka Szabo Boros Timea, Erika Antap
12B Izabella Szablo, Pamila, Szende

Fast Food Labels: gyorsételek vészvillogó

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11A Danial and Naomi and Emese
11A Erezsebet Baceo Roland Lakatos

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11A Attila Balla and Demjen Sandor
11A Nador Berta Szende Vizaknai

Saturday, January 30, 2010

debate teams by topic

Death Penalty: halálbüntetés

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
10 A Helana Balint Erzebet Gedo
11 B Gal Melinda Malinda Domokos
11 A Eniko Bone, Timea Juhasz, Erika Cosma
12 A Beata Varga and Tunde Kulcsar
12 B Milinda Nagy Emese Szabo
10 B Zsolt Szabo, Norbert Varga, Robert Rac
9 B Orosz Romi Nycolae Szilagyi Feher Lorand
9A Angela Elekes Henrietta Kun
9 B Brigitta Varga and Szlivia Nagy
11 B Torok Norbi Szekely Csaba
10 A Tibor Boros, Lóránd Demeter, Szabolics Tunyogi
11A Laura Mate, Szilard Gal
12 B Renatia Szekeres, Izabella Lippai
10 B Henrietta Vadas, Beko Henrietta, Asetalos Rena
12 A Zoltan Nagy and Banto Gyrla

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
10 A Obed Gyula Csaba Gal
11 B Elmer Olah Attila Szasz
11B Timea Torkos and Dalma Ladanyi
12 A Beta Toth, Ilona Matays, Szeredai Eresbet
12 B Eva Bone, Agnes Szeir, Eva Seres
10 B Adrien Szilagy, Henrietta Domokos
9B Julia Antaol Johanna Varga
9 A Varga Tibi and Lori
9B Neoemi Pap Boda Edit
11B Tibor Boda Kivcs Sandor
10 A Richi and Levente Boda
11 A Julia Topai, Fruzsina
12 B Tama Boda, Vikto Molnar, Timea Molnar
10 B Anna Maria and Agi
12 A Renata Szatmari, Szikszai Helga

Educational organization: iskolai oktatás szervezés

American: amerikai
10 A Sara Chris Anetta Major
9A Brigitta Ezter
12 A Zoltan Veres, Casapo Szabolcs

10 A Mozes Kirly Arnold Olvedi
9A Sailard Erwin
12 A Tunde Moricz, Sandor Nagy

Cell phones in school: Mobile phones belsõ csatár osztályterem

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
10 A Boglarka Bonczidai, Lazlo Kiss
9A Rudolf Kulcsaf Kiraly Szilard

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
10 A Krisztian Pusok, Emoke Eredi
9A David and Adorjan Balla

Surveillance Cameras in School: rejtõzik film belsõ csatár osztályterem

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
9B Kinga Bettina Simofi Kheszras
10A Edina Toth, Anetta Nagy, Izabella Szeredai
11A Balazs Vari, Eni Domokos

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
9B Julia Joo Jozsa Casaba
10A Beata Etelka
11A Obed Tamas Gal

Stem Cell Research: elem kutatás

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
12A Domokso Tomas, Zolt Adi
11B Molnar Maria Rozalia Vada Major Kriszta
12B Csaba Nemeti, Szigeti Lajos
10B Nemeti Szabolics and Zoltan Boda
12A Barnabas Balog

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
12A Imre Boros, Szilogyi Sandor
11B Sjakacs Timea, Szablocs Szapacsi Puskas Erika
12B Erzebet Kicsis, Szigeti Rozalia
10B Binal Tazakas and Ilona Lakatos and Helga Franks
12A Andrea Pap, Brigitte Katona

Animal fighting: élõlény ütközet

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
9A David Gabor

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
9A Abagel Krisztena

Animal Abuse: élõlény rossz célra való fordítás

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11B Zsuzsonna Victor
12B Tiberiu Varga, Monka Csoka
10B Angela Boca Bobi Boca
9B Kitty Domokos David Kulcsar
9A Szabo Alex and Kulcsar Norbert
9B Erink Balint and Domokos Reka

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11B Brigitta lucas Noemi
12B Gabriella Daraban, Agota Demeter
10B Szilvia Kis, Brigitta Racz, Ibolya Szilagyi
9B Balint Agota Matyas Maria
9A Helena Boda ans Johanna Major
9B Zsuzsanna Pusok Abigail Gal

Corporal Punishment: oktató lavírozás diák

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11B Angela Motis Kirly Bela
9A Ervyn Oros Gabor
9B Domokos Eszter Sabina Solyom and Gabi
10B Norby and Richard Corpril

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11B Bernadett, Brigitta Bucsi
9A Andy Demjen Dobi Imola
9B Kinga Pap Elizabet Gal, Hannelore Csako
10B Izabella Major and Orosz and Bapint

Media Violence causes violence in children: tévét néz durvaság ok erõszakos gyermekek

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
12A Ferencz Moricz, Matyas Istavan

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
12A Sandor Lako, Robert Kovacs

Arranged Marriage: szoros összetartozás vkinek a szerkesztésében szülõk

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11B Inre Kui Boros Tibor
10B Ferenc Gal Miki Marosi, Anita Huszar

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11B Edina Baban Csoka Tibi
10B Elvira Sandir and Edina Szabo

athlete using drugs: atlétika játékos rossz célra való fordítás erõs kábítószerek

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
12B Norbert Domokos, Istvan Feheruari
10A Bendek Attila Szilagyi
11A Nagy Beata Darabont Erika
12B Iuliana Kui, Denes Anita

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
12B Tamas Nagy, Sandor Szekely, Csaba Zsgmond
10A Tamas Lakatos
11A Reka Szabo Boros Timea, Erika Antap
12B Izabella Szablo, Pamila, Szende

Fast Food Labels: gyorsételek vészvillogó

To agree with: jót tesz vkinek
11A Danial and Naomi and Emese
11A Erezsebet Baceo Roland Lakatos

To disagree with: ellentétben áll
11A Attila Balla and Demjen Sandor
11A Nador Berta Szende Vizaknai

If your name is not here e-mail me

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

debate info

Attention all classes
Here you will find the Debate assignment, debate day out-line and debate section out line
You will also find the web address to the debate pdf file where all your worksheets came from, and the way you will be graded by me and your fellow students.

Debate structure and assignment

Debate assignment: Each group will be assigned to argue either the Affirmative or the Negative of a resolution. Each student must research their topic and be prepared to give evidence that supports their argument. Each group must use reliable sources, ads and Wikipadia do not count. If you are unsure of a source, ask me. You must have at least 5 sources. You will be graded using the fallowing Rubric by myself and your fellow students and on your sources. This project is worth half of your grade. You must use both verbal arguments and statistics. You will work in teams of 2 to 3 people.

Affirmative team = team 1

Negative team = team 2

Team 1: states their argument 3min

Team 2: states their argument 3 min

1 minuet rest

Team 1: rebuttal 2 min

Team 2: rebuttal 2min

1 minute rest

Team 1 rebuttal 2min

Team 2 rebuttal 2 min

Team 1: conclusion 3min

Team 2 conclusion 3min

6 minute questions

Due dates

Week of February 8th- list of 10 possible sources

Week of February 22nd – list of a minimum of 5 possible arguments

Week of March 8th- list of a minimum of 5 possible arguments you think will be made by the other opposing team.

Week of March 22nd- list of a minimum of 5 possible rebuttals to arguments made by the opposing team

Week of April 12th- Final list of 5 sources

Week of April 26th- Debate out-line

Weeks of May 3rd-24th debates- 2 score sheets due after each debate.

pdf file web site


Levels of Performance






1. Organization and Clarity:

viewpoints and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly.

Unclear in most parts

Clear in some parts but not over all

Most clear and orderly in all parts

Completely clear and orderly presentation

2. Use of Arguments:

reasons are given to support viewpoint.

Few or no relevant reasons given

Some relevant reasons given

Most reasons given: most relevant

Most relevant reasons given in support

3. Use of Examples and Facts:

examples and facts are given to support reasons.

Few or no relevant supporting examples/facts

Some relevant examples/facts given

Many examples/facts given: most relevant

Many relevant supporting examples and facts given

4. Use of Rebuttal:

arguments made by the other teams are responded to and dealt with effectively.

No effective counter-arguments made

Few effective counter-arguments made

Some effective counter-arguments made

Many effective counter-arguments made

5. Presentation Style:

tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to audience.

Few style features were used; not convincingly

Few style features were used convincingly

All style features were used, most convincingly

All style features were used convincingly

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Homework for all classes

For those of you who take the time to look at this blog please in form you fellows of two things. One the other teacher has her own class issues if you have questions about my class ask me either before or after class or through e-mail.
The homework for the rest of the year is simple you must come to class and tell me something that has happened in the news in the past week or two. This is all verbal you must tell me not simply write it down.
The other information on the sheet is extra work you can do if you want to raise your mark. If you have any questions come to me.

Monday, January 4, 2010

in class copy of extra cedit and homework

Extra credit assignments

Rules: These are extra credit and can not replace the homework, each are worth up to 10 points. If possible, to prevent points being taken off due to bad hand writing. You can also turn in hand written work but if I can’t read it you will get a 6 for trying. Copying another work either from another student or an online review or opinion will result in you getting no points for the assignment, if it is done twice your overall grade will be reduced to a 5. If you want suggestions, for which films or books to watch or read please ask me. Some of the films and books my not be appropriate for your age level or English level. You can ask me before or after class or by e-mail, my e-mail address is You will be graded on if you have answered all the questions in complete sentences, if you prove that you understand the content of the film or book. You can do as many extra assignments as you want, but if you try and use them to make up for not coming to class or not doing your homework they will not count.

Film assignment

What you need to do: For each film the student must watch and then write a minimum of a one page, answering these questions, and for an extra points you can answer the question attached to the film. The extra points that can be eared depend on the question. Also when asked, you must name the source of your information. In the formats listed bellow


Author Last name First name. Title, where it was published, who published it. Year of publication.

Johnson, K.V. Nightwalker. Canada, Orca publishers, 2007.

Internet site

Author. Title. Time when accessed. time of last update. Web address.

You can use this web page for other examples

What is the film about?

In what country or countries does story take place in?

What time period does the story take place in?

What subjects does the story talk about?

What is the message of the story?

Do you agree or disagree with the message of the story and why or why not?

What is your favorite scene in the film and why

Did you like or dislike the film and why

These are only samples the rest of the films are posted online. If you do not have internet access please ask me for the whole list.

* Based on True events

Women’s rights

*North Country

What is the true story behind the movie? 10pt

Site your source

The Scarlet Latter

(Not the one with Demi Moor)

What is the meaning or meanings of the Scarlet A? 10pts

Human Rights

*Cry Freedom

What are the differences between the South African movement and the American movement? 15pt

Site your sources

The Color of Friendship

What do you think life would be like if you were an exchange student in America? 5pt


Furngully: the last rainforest

How have things changed since this movie was made? 10pt

Name your sources

*Born to be wild

What is the true story behind this movie? 10pt

Name your Sources



What were the old beliefs about AIDS and are they true or not? 10pt

Name your Sources

*And the Band Played on


Jurassic park

American History


*October Sky

What is the true story behind the film? 20pts

Site your sources


*A Beautiful Mind

What is the true story behind the movie 20pt

Site your source

Secondhand Lions

Who are the Secondhand Lions? 5pt

What is the meaning of the last line in the movie? 5pt

Extra Credit books

Rules: If you don’t find a book in this, list that you like you have the option of finding an English book on your own. The title and Author of this book must be presented to me before the assignment for approval. You will be graded on if you have answered all the questions in complete sentences, if you prove that you understand the content of the book.

Some of these books can be found in the children’s section of the Zalau Library and yes, I have seen them. You can find free E-books at these sites

What you need to do: For each book, the student must read and then write a minimum of a one page, answering these questions. At the top of the page you must give this information, in the format listed bellow

Author Last name First name. Title, where it was published, who published it. Year of publication.

Johnson, K.V. Nightwalker. Canada, Orca publishers, 2007.

If you used an e-book you must also list the web site bellow.

You can use this web page for other examples

Questions for all books

How many pages are in the book?

What is the message of the book?

Who are the main Characters?

Describe the Main Characters

Who are the minor Characters?

Describe the minor Characters

Where does the story takes place?

What is the story about?

Did you find the book easy, hard or right for you?

Did you like or dislike the book and why

Classics each worth 20pts

You can read any book by these Authors

Peter Pan

By JM Berry

By Frances Hodgeson Burnett

The Little Princess

The Secret Garden

True Stories

I know why the Cage Bird Sings

By Maya Angelou 20pt

General Fiction

Like the Classics you can read any book by these Authors

Louis Sachar: 10pt

Sideways Stories from Wayside School

Gloria Whelan 15

Homeless Bird

Extra credit comparisons

For these extra credit assignments you must compare, either compare an old movie to a remake of the same movie or a book to a movie or both. Also any of the books listed here can be used an extra credit books, fallow the rules for the books.

What you need to do

First at the top of the page list the title of the book and movie or both movies, give the author of the book and they year each book or movies was made.


Book and movie

Movie, The Shawshank Redemption, 1994

Book, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, by Steven King

Movie and Movie

12 Angry men, 1957

12 Angry men, 1997

Book and two movies

Book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 1971

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005

Answer these questions

What do the movies or the book and the movie have in common

What are the differences between the book and the movie or the two movies?

List of books and movies if not noted by the book, a book and a movie are 20pst, two movies are 10pts, a book and 2 movies are 15pts, a book and 3 movies are 20pts. Extra points added for length of book

Harry Potter books 1-2 10pts each, 3 15pts, 4-6 30pts each

Harry Potter Movies 1-6

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton 30pts

Jurassic Park, 1993

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

Ella Enchanted 2003

The Adventures of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist 2005

I Am David by Anne Holm

I Am David 2003

A Walk to Remember by Nicolas Sparks

A Walk to Remember 2002

These are just a few of the books and films you can use, please see the class blog for the rest, class blog

Homework: Every class you need to tell me something you have read or heard in the News. I don’t care where it comes from as long as it is news. You must answer all the questions listed on the other side of this paper to get a 10. If you answer some of the questions you get a 5, if you refuse to speak you get a 0

If you want a copy of the worksheet on the back of the document given out in class please go to this website and click on the written document pdf.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Extra credit films

Rules: These are extra credit and can not replace the homework each are worth up to 10 points. If possible, to prevent points being taken off due to bad hand writing. You can also turn in hand written work but if I can’t read it you will get a 6 for trying. Copying another work either from another student or an online review or opinion will result in you getting no points for the assignment, if it is done twice your overall grade will be reduced to a 5.

You will be graded on if you have answered all the questions in complete sentences, if you prove that you understand the content of the film.

What you need to do: For each film the student must watch and then write a minimum of a one page, answering these questions, and for an extra points you can answer the question attached to the film. The extra points that can be eared depend on the question. Also when asked, you must name the source of your information. In the formats listed bellow


Author Last name First name. Title, where it was published, who published it. Year of publication.

Johnson, K.V. Nightwalker. Canada, Orca publishers, 2007.

Internet site

Author. Title. Time when accessed. time of last update. Web address.

You can use this web page for other examples

What is the film about?

In what country or countries does story take place in?

What time period does the story take place in?

What subjects does the story talk about?

What is the message of the story?

Do you agree or disagree with the message of the story and why or why not?

What is your favorite scene in the film and why

Did you like or dislike the film and why

The films are listed under general categories based on subject

These are only samples the rest of the films are posted online. If you do not have internet access please ask me for the whole list.

* Based on True events

Women’s rights

*North Country

What is the true story behind the movie? 10pt

Site your source

*What’s Love Got to do with it?

How is wife beating viewed in Romania 10pt

Site your source

Down with love

Mona Lisa’s smile

Can a woman have both a family and career? Why or why not 5pt

Does this film reflect the reality of Wellesley during the time the film takes place and if not what was the reality of the school during this time? 10pt

Site your sources

*Iron Jawed Angels

In what countries do women have the lest rights and in what countries do they have the most rights? 10pt

What is the history behind the movie? 10pt

Site your source

Human Trafficking

How common in Human Trafficking in Europe? 10pt

Site your sources

The Scarlet Latter

(Not the one with Demi Moor)

What is the meaning or meanings of the Scarlet A? 10pts

Human Rights

*Cry Freedom

What are the differences between the South African movement and the American movement? 15pt

Site your sources

The Color of Friendship

What do you think life would be like if you were an exchange student in America? 5pt


*The Ghosts of Mississippi

Have there been other cases in the US where murders of civil rights workers were brought to trial in the late 20th or early 21st centuries? 10pt

Name your sources

*Mississippi Burning

* Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks: documentary

Do think that you would have had the courage shown by Rosa Parks? 5pt

Name another African American woman in America’s past that risked her life to save other’s. 10pt

Name your source

Who were the freedom riders and what dangers did they face? 10pt

Name your source

*The Great Debaters

Who were the real Great Debaters and what is their story? 10pt

Name your source

What was the importance of these events to the American Civil Rights movement? 10pt

Site your source

*Remember the Titans

Are all the events in this movie true? If not what did Disney change? 5pt

Name your source

What was real integration like in the American South? 10pt

Name your sources

To Kill a Mocking Bird

What is the importance of this story? 10pt

*Something the Lord Made

What is the true story behind the film? 10pt

Site your sources

American History X

How much does your family and culture effect how you see other people? 10pt

Name your sources


Furngully: the last rainforest

How have things changed since this movie was made? 10pt

Name your sources

Once upon a forest

Medicine man

*Wild America

What is the true story behind this movie? 10pt

Name your Sources

Free Willy and Free Willy 2 and 3

1. What other animals help troubled children? 10pt

2. Where have there been major oil spills and what damage did they do? 10pt

3. How common is commercial whaling today and where is it legal and illegal? 10pt

Name your sources


*Never Cry Wolf

What are the arguments concerning killing endangered predators and which argument do you agree with and why? 15 pt

Name your sources

The Day After Tomorrow

What facts prove climate change and what are the arguments against climate change? 10pt

What do you think about climate change and why? 5pt



What were the old beliefs about AIDS and are they true or not? 10pt

Name your Sources

*Life support

What is the true story behind the movie? 10pt

Do you agree with what the organization mentioned is doing? 5pt


In the Gloaming

*And the Band Played on


Jurassic park



American History


*Wyatt Earp

In to the West

Sicko: documentary

Bowling for Columbine: documentary

Fahrenheit 9/11: documentary

*October Sky

What is the true story behind the film? 20pts

Site your sources


*Chicano! History of the Mexican-American Civil Rights Movement

*Farewell to Manzanar

*Gangs of New York

A River Runs Through it

*A League of their Own

What is the real story behind the move and how accurate was the movie in portraying the events? 20pts

Site your sources

Little Women

What is the story behind this movie? 20pts

Site your sources

Dirty Dancing

Why is the movie called Dirty Dancing 10pts

Forest Gump

What historical events does the movie portray? 10pts


What are the differences between the film and the play?15pts

Site your source

Field of Dreams

What does the voice mean when it says, “If you built it he will come” 10pts


*A Beautiful Mind

What is the true story behind the movie 20pt

Site your source

Alice adventures in Wonder Land

The Wizard of OZ

Big Fish

Bruce Almighty

Good Will Hunting


Mr Holland’s Opus

What historical moments are portrayed in the movie? 10pts

The Shawshank Redemption


Do you believe there is life on other planets? 10pts

Secondhand Lions

Who are the Secondhand Lions? 5pt

What is the meaning of the last line in the movie? 5pt

Simon Birch

The Guardian

At the end of the movie pictures of what event are shown

Renaissance man


What was the result of the sinking of the Titanic? 10pt

Site your sources

Under the Tuscan Sun

*White Squall

What is the story behind the movie? 20pt

Site your sources