Tuesday, January 19, 2010

debate info

Attention all classes
Here you will find the Debate assignment, debate day out-line and debate section out line
You will also find the web address to the debate pdf file where all your worksheets came from, and the way you will be graded by me and your fellow students.

Debate structure and assignment

Debate assignment: Each group will be assigned to argue either the Affirmative or the Negative of a resolution. Each student must research their topic and be prepared to give evidence that supports their argument. Each group must use reliable sources, ads and Wikipadia do not count. If you are unsure of a source, ask me. You must have at least 5 sources. You will be graded using the fallowing Rubric by myself and your fellow students and on your sources. This project is worth half of your grade. You must use both verbal arguments and statistics. You will work in teams of 2 to 3 people.

Affirmative team = team 1

Negative team = team 2

Team 1: states their argument 3min

Team 2: states their argument 3 min

1 minuet rest

Team 1: rebuttal 2 min

Team 2: rebuttal 2min

1 minute rest

Team 1 rebuttal 2min

Team 2 rebuttal 2 min

Team 1: conclusion 3min

Team 2 conclusion 3min

6 minute questions

Due dates

Week of February 8th- list of 10 possible sources

Week of February 22nd – list of a minimum of 5 possible arguments

Week of March 8th- list of a minimum of 5 possible arguments you think will be made by the other opposing team.

Week of March 22nd- list of a minimum of 5 possible rebuttals to arguments made by the opposing team

Week of April 12th- Final list of 5 sources

Week of April 26th- Debate out-line

Weeks of May 3rd-24th debates- 2 score sheets due after each debate.

pdf file web site



Levels of Performance






1. Organization and Clarity:

viewpoints and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly.

Unclear in most parts

Clear in some parts but not over all

Most clear and orderly in all parts

Completely clear and orderly presentation

2. Use of Arguments:

reasons are given to support viewpoint.

Few or no relevant reasons given

Some relevant reasons given

Most reasons given: most relevant

Most relevant reasons given in support

3. Use of Examples and Facts:

examples and facts are given to support reasons.

Few or no relevant supporting examples/facts

Some relevant examples/facts given

Many examples/facts given: most relevant

Many relevant supporting examples and facts given

4. Use of Rebuttal:

arguments made by the other teams are responded to and dealt with effectively.

No effective counter-arguments made

Few effective counter-arguments made

Some effective counter-arguments made

Many effective counter-arguments made

5. Presentation Style:

tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to audience.

Few style features were used; not convincingly

Few style features were used convincingly

All style features were used, most convincingly

All style features were used convincingly

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